The Top 5 Reasons Your Company Needs Sales Management Coaching

The Top 5 Reasons Your Company Needs Sales Management Coaching

Training your sales force can increase sales by 20 %, when sales reps are promoted to managers not many of them get specialized training in coaching their team. Most companies assume that sales managers are equipped enough to coach their teams, and most of the coaching done by the managers is limited to the sales review, and one on one feedback once in a while. Most sales reps have less than 2 years of training, this shows the need for sales training in Dubai. Many of the sales reps need help to tap into their potential strengths.

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sales training in Dubai

Let us examine some of the reasons for sales management to be coached.

  • Help the managers to develop a framework 

Managers need to be trained to have the required knowledge to impart to their team. They need to be trained to develop skills to actually coach. The managers require the tools to coach. and the discipline to execute it. Once they have the framework to train their team, they can consistently implement the same.

  • Entrepreneurs will benefit from the training of their sales managers. 

Sales in Dubai can be rewarding if you know how to close deals and learn to impart the same skill to your team members.

A systematic training program will help the managers evaluate their teams and their ability to lead. This gives them valuable insight into what needs to be changed or improved about their teams. At no point in time in a managerial career, should one presume and assume to know things  

  • Sales management needs to learn the technique of handling stress.

Sales are driven by high performance, if you don’t perform you don’t exist, stress in this field is inevitable, but a seasoned sales manager knows how to handle stress if he simply passes it on to his sales team, he won’t be able to make any sustained progress. The managers need to be trained in stress management techniques and help the reps to do the same, so that the pressure from sales is used positively to drive sales. 

  • Gentle follow-up techniques, to boost your sales in business.

Follow-ups must be gentle and consistent. “You get what you inspect, not what you expect”, without consistent follow-up the team’s motivation will fizzle out. The managers need to be trained on how to follow up, show concern, and motivate the team member, to do better, follow up. However, does not mean constant nagging.

sales training in Dubai

  • How to give constructive feedback.

Most of the time feedback time turns out to be very stressful because managers tend to pass on the stress to the rep. feedback must be constructive and the team member must be able to perform better after the feedback is given. Role-play methods must be used to train the managers, especially in the manner they give feedback to their team members. Always start by mentioning positive points about your team.   

At Rooftop Sales, we provide the best sales coach for sales reps and sales managers, Rooftop Sales is a leading sales coaching, training, and consulting company in the UAE.

Phone: +971 55 100 7205 


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